In a post-COVID-19 business landscape, remote work has become more prevalent than ever.
While collaboration tools like Slack, Office 365 and Atlassian facilitate frictionless remote teamwork, managing a remote Project Management Office (PMO) can still pose challenges.
However, with the right strategies, your remote PMO can maintain business operations efficiently without compromising productivity.
Here are six practical and actionable strategies to optimise your remote PMO.
According to a 2019 PM Summit Survey, 72% of PM professionals believe remote work increases efficiency.
Yet, setting up a robust remote infrastructure is crucial. Ensure secure IT access points and reliable video chat technology to create a seamless virtual workspace.
This technology fosters a sense of proximity even when physically distant. Despite some attention, research into the relationship between online intimacy and well-being is critically limited.
So invest time in establishing ideal working conditions for your virtual team, as infrastructure is paramount to keep work flowing smoothly.
While remote work has its advantages, it can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation.
To combat this, consolidate your remote workforce into team hubs, boosting morale and productivity.
Utilise chat rooms, daily stand-ups, and regular check-ins to keep the team connected.
When created and used correctly, these virtual team hubs can provide the same camaraderie as working together in a physical office.
As hiring becomes more challenging, partner with experienced PMO providers. They can offer top talent and project management tools when needed.
These skilled professionals are well-versed in various project management methodologies, ensuring you receive the highest value from your remote PMO.
Tap into their experience to navigate the complexities of remote project management with confidence.
Communication is the cornerstone of successful remote PMOs. While video conferencing helps bridge gaps, conversing in your team's native language is invaluable.
Multilingual consultants can facilitate seamless communication with clients worldwide, both in-person and online. Effective communication is the glue that holds global teams together.
One challenge of remote work is the "out of sight, out of mind" phenomenon. To counter this, foster strong relationships within your remote team.
Leverage decades of client support to understand their organisational culture and how things work. Assign team leaders to provide direction and guidance within your team hubs.
Encourage knowledge sharing, best practices, and lessons learned to strengthen team bonds.
Not all project management activities are suited for remote work. Collaborate with clients to determine which phases should be delivered remotely or onsite.
This adaptive approach ensures the right blend of remote and in-person activities. Before transitioning to remote work, conduct thorough, in-person activity transfers.
These transitions solidify relationships that lead to greater success in remote PMOs.
Check this list and confirm that your teams are equipped with these tools, allowing them to save time and increase productivity.
Whether you're an experienced leader or new to managing remote teams, the following insights will guide you towards success in your remote project management endeavours.
While managing remote PMOs can be challenging, it's never been easier to achieve exceptional outcomes.
When executed effectively, remote PMOs can enhance productivity, reduce operating costs, and provide better access to talent.
At MetaPM, we offer expert guidance and solutions to help you navigate the complexities of remote project management offices.
Utilise our PMO Self-Assessment Tool to gain valuable insights into your own PMO delivery.
By following these strategies, with the support of MetaPM, you can unlock the full potential of your remote Project Management Office.
To discover how our consulting, resourcing and Aglie deliver solutions can support and grow your remote PMO and team, contact us today.