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PMO: The 101 on the Project Management Office

PMO Role and Responsibilities

How does a PMO fit into your organisation? What duties will it assume? PMOs can provide the foundation for successful project delivery by providing expertise, governance, execution support and transparency. Let’s look at a few critical responsibilities of project management offices.


A PMO will ensure that the right people use the right information to make the right decisions. Tools might include peer reviews, audits, the development of appropriate project structures and effective accountability.


With accurate and timely information, business leaders can make informed decisions. A PMO facilitates organisation-wide transparency so everyone has critical information.


How much time is wasted “reinventing the wheel” every time a new project begins? Since PMOs document lessons learned and offer templates and best practices from the past, new projects can start with greater efficiency.

Delivery Support

With team members working here and there, poor communication can stall progress and impede project success. A PMO helps to facilitate project teams so everyone can do their job more effectively. The project management office streamlines processes and bureaucracy, offering training, guidance and quality assurance.


A PMO also manages all documentation produced by the project, which is used to create a project history. With standardised documentation available, your organisational knowledge increases and compounds, paving the way for more efficiency upon completing each project.

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