Guided by their global survey results, the Project Management Institute (PMI) has pinpointed the best practices most frequently followed by successful Project Management Offices.
Each component of the abovementioned PMO Maturity Index comprises activities where PMOs can add value to their organisation.
- Consistently measuring and regularly reviewing performance
- Effectively managing governance, risk, and compliance issues
- Ensuring project visibility (e.g., regular status reports, shared dashboards, stakeholder communications)
- Undertaking all roles and responsibilities with support from leadership
- Contributing to the development of strategy
Integration and Alignment
- Effectively managing project integration (e.g., coordinating tasks, resources, stakeholders)
- Integrating PMO processes across business functions (e.g., procurement, human resources, etc.)
- Fully aligning initiatives and KPIs to the wider organisation’s critical strategic and change goals
- Regularly engaging with senior leaders and communicating the milestones and impacts of projects
- Standardising and documenting PMO structure, policies, procedures, processes, etc.
- Adapting project management tools, methodologies, and practices to different projects and teams
- Using tools, methodologies, and practices in alignment with industry standards and best practices
- Driving a benefits management and outcome-driven culture (e.g., developing a benefits realisation framework)
- Providing formal assurance on the quality of processes, methodologies, approaches, and structures
Project Review Pack
Frameworks & More
Technology and Data
- Using the latest project-level tools
- Using the latest portfolio/program-level tools
- Using data extensively to make evidence-based decisions
- Developing strong personal skills like leadership, collaboration, and relationship building in project managers
- Developing flexibility and adaptability in project managers
- Developing strong business acumen skills in project managers
- Investing in learning and development for project managers
- Strengthening internal learning through creating communities of practice and knowledge management
- Adequately assessing, recognising, and rewarding the performance of team members