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Staff Testimonial – Sara Hollis' Story

Staff Testimonials – Jonny Bithell's Story


Meet Sara Hollis

Business Analyst
With MetaPM since 2016
MetaPM clients that Sara has worked with:

  • City of Port Phillip


Sara Hollis

What do you enjoy most about working @ MetaPM

The culture. I have found MetaPM to be an extremely supportive organisation that genuinely treats its employees as its greatest assets. I have no doubts that if I was having difficulties with anything at my client site that there would be a number of people I could turn to for help and advice.

If you were to describe our company in 3 words, what would they be?

  • Motivated
  • Professional
  • Supportive

What do you like most about your job?

I love the challenge of working on complex projects and managing stakeholders and requirements from a wide range of business areas.

What does a typical working day look like for you?

My typical day would see me working on-site with one of our clients, City of Port Phillip. I’m currently working as the Lead BA on an Asset Management Transformation Project which is currently in planning stages.

What is one of the most interesting tasks / projects you have worked on?

This client engagement is the first I’ve been involved with through MetaPM, so my experience has been primarily the Asset Management Transformation Project. This project is expected to span approximately 3 years and will impact staff, systems and data across the organisation.

If you were to recommend us to someone who would it be and why?

I would recommend MetaPM to contractors who are looking for new opportunities. MetaPM have been extremely supportive of me, both in helping me to find the right role for my skills and in supporting me in my role once I’ve started. I’ve found this to be a much more positive experience than that offered by any other recruitment or consultancy service I’ve been exposed to.

What led you to become a consultant?

I was drawn to the flexibility of consulting and the opportunity to apply my skills to projects in different industries.

What gives you the greatest satisfaction in your role?

Working with a client in the public sector, I get great satisfaction in knowing that the work I’m doing will be helping my client to more efficiently provide services to the wider community.

What’s one interesting thing about you that not many people know of?

I’m not entirely sure what people would find interesting! I’m a passable salsa dancer and I love playing board games in my spare time.


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