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A Guide to Understanding a Team Skills Capability Uplift

Capability Uplift Defined

Research shows that having the right Organisational Project Delivery Capability delivers improved performance. Capability exists within your organisation's individuals, teams and people-powered systems. It's what ensures that your projects are managed through to successful completion. Capability can be assessed/improved, across many areas of the project ecosystem, including;

Improve project delivery capability for individuals, teams and organisations.

  • Individual – more marketable skills, improved project outcomes
  • Teams – improved delivery capability, greater understanding of technical and interpersonal skills, increased chance of developing high-performing teams
  • Organisations – Greater understanding of overall project delivery capability gaps and plans to address those, provides insight to target training based on strategic portfolio and market needs. What is the right level for your organisation?

In a climate of constant change that encompasses the juggling of remote and hybrid teams, a holistic approach is required to uplift the mindset, skill set, tool set and knowledge set of individuals and teams within an organisation—otherwise known as the capability uplift toolkit.

This eGuide provides an overview of the key elements to consider when reviewing your Organisational Project Delivery Capability.

What is a Skills Capability Uplift?

Skills capability uplift identifies any overall project delivery performance gaps within an organisation. It specifies the skills a team needs to complete what is required and equips them with those skills to drive an organisation forward sustainably.

Targeted education fills the identified gap, developing and maintaining core competencies and introducing adjacent skill sets if required. The result? Improved on-the-job performance, staff confidence and engagement, improved project performance and overall business success.

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Why You Need a Skills Capability Uplift